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Sito in sola consultazione. La vendita online riprenderà il 7 gennaio 2025

Sito in sola consultazione. La vendita online riprenderà il 7 gennaio 2025

National Dynamic network (Rete dinamica nazionale - RDN)

rete_dinamica_nazionale Interactive map (RDN Site Map)


In 2009, the IGMI updated the European Geodetic Reference ETRS89 to the realization ETRF2000, epoch 2008.0. The new frame has been materialized by organizing a network of permanent GNSS stations on the national territory: the National Dynamic network (Rete dinamica nazionale - RDN). This network system consists of 99 GNSS stations, mostly owned by Public Institutions, which transmit  data acquired by satellite systems to a Data Centre specifically set up at the Geodetic Department of the IGMI.
The position of the RDN stations, and therefore the consequent definition of the reference frame, resulted from data processing collected in the 4 weeks at the turn of January 1st, 2008. This processing was carried out by the Data Center following the EUREF guidelines (the IAG sub-commission for the European Reference System ETRS89) by using  Bernese 5.0 software. Two other Data Centers, namely the G3 group of Milan directed by Prof. F. Sansò, and the Padua group of Prof. A. Caporali, repeated independently the same calculations for an additional control. Final results are shown in the technical report  describing, in detail, the development of the RDN installation project.

Starting from RDN implementation, the IGMI continues to collect all data transmitted by the stations and distributes them, by free access, to the Geodetic Department Data Center.

The Geodetic Department Data Center carries out a continuous monitoring on the RDN network aimed at controlling the quality and availability of the data sent by the stations. Due to various disruptions, some RDN stations belonging to the original unit are no longer active. The Geodetic Department has therefore introduced new sites, restoring the network to a total of approximately 140 stations, in order to preserve a homogeneous nationwide coverage. The new network is called RDN2 and the new stations’ data are available in a separate data center archive.

The Data Center performs weekly processing of data received from RDN2 network using Bernese 5.2 software. Obtained solutions are set in the international IGS system current frame and published in ASCII and SINEX format, in a dedicated section, organized according to GPS weeks. Moreover, during 2017, the Data Centre reprocessed the entire time series of the weekly solutions, obtaining an aggregate answer for the positions as well as for the speeds of the RDN network sites. Position and speed estimates, with the relevant technical documentation, are published in the Geodetic Department data center.

Please read the technical report on the RDN installation project


