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Aggiornamento del sito in programma dal 20 al 25 marzo. La vendita online riprenderà il 26 marzo 2025

Aggiornamento del sito in programma dal 20 al 25 marzo. La vendita online riprenderà il 26 marzo 2025

Additional information

  1. What is VRS Pegasus Network?
    The VRS Pegasus is a network of GNSS permanent reference station operated by Trimble, a leading surveying and geospatial technology company, in collaboration with the IGM (Italian Military Geographic Institute). This service provides high-precision NRTK adjustment services able to achieve accurate and reliable 24/7 GNSS positioning.
  2. What are the characteristics of this network?
    This is the only network in Italy certified and calculated directly by the Italian Military Geographic Institute. It was created and designed ex novo to provide the highest quality and efficiency in terms of geographic coverage by using latest generation instruments (Alloy receivers).
  3. Where is it possible to work with Pegaso VRS Network?
    Pegaso VRS offers total coverage in all regions of Italy (including coasts, major and minor islands), enabling access to high-precision adjustment data. All stations making up the network are strategically deployed to provide reliable service throughout the country.
  4. How to purchase and how much do subscriptions cost?
    To purchase a subscription, please visit the following link where you can find different kinds of subscriptions and purchase details.
  5. Is it possible to use VRS Pegasus Network with any GNSS device?
    Network VRS Pegasus is compatible with all GNSS sensors able to use this service. It only needs to be checked if the device supports the "NTRIP" protocol (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol), which is essential for connecting - via Internet - to the GNSS reference station network.
  6. Is it also possible to use RINEX data?
    By accessing the specific portal, it is possible to download RINEX data in any desired format, either from single CORS or in VRS format, with samples ranging from 1 to 30 seconds.
  7. In what reference system is Pegasus framed?
    Real-time adjustments and RINEX data allow to get accurate positions in the Official National Geodetic Reference System managed by the IGM: ETRF2000 implementation, epoch 2008.0, of the European ETRS89 system.