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L'attività di vendita sarà sospesa, per consentire operazioni di manutenzione del sito, tra il 7 e il 19 agosto 2024.

L'attività di vendita sarà sospesa, per consentire operazioni di manutenzione del sito, tra il 7 e il 19 agosto 2024.

Commission for the Italian Official Toponymy

The Commission for Italian Official Toponymy is a consultative body of the Italian Military Geographic Institute (IGMI).

Its main tasks are:

  • Standardization of official Italian toponyms, taken from the official map of Italy, in compliance with national rules and UN recommendations on geographical names;
  • Making and updating of national Toponymic guidelines for map editors and other editors;
  • Making and updating of the toponymic databases, in cooperation with autonomous regions and provinces, universities and scientific societies;
  • Toponymic consultancy for Italian regional and provincial governments.

IGMI - Commission for Italian Official Toponymy
Via Cesare Battisti, 10

Phone: + 39 055 2732319
Fax: + 39 055 282172.
