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L'attività di vendita sarà sospesa, per consentire operazioni di manutenzione del sito, tra il 7 e il 19 agosto 2024.

L'attività di vendita sarà sospesa, per consentire operazioni di manutenzione del sito, tra il 7 e il 19 agosto 2024.

Error reporting

In this section it is possible to report  (maximum 250 characters) any classification errors or omissions of represented topographic details according to the map key. Reported inaccuracies pertinent to a 1:25,000 scale cartographic representation will be checked and, if necessary, supplemented and corrected in following editions. Moreover, for a quicker and more accurate identification of the error, in addition to the identification number and name of the map, the plane coordinates east and north of the point reported and/or a 'screenshot' of the detail are kindly requested.

For reports relating to place names, attached reference documentation is recommended.

