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Sito in sola consultazione. La vendita online riprenderà il 7 gennaio 2025

You are here: Home / en / Help / How-tos / How to buy aerial photos

Sito in sola consultazione. La vendita online riprenderà il 7 gennaio 2025

How to buy aerial photos

To search for and buy online aerial photos, please go to the Geoproducts page and click to “Aerial photos” option from the left menu 

  • Aerial Photos
     Path per acquisto foto aeree in bianco e nero

Choose one of the available years of flight, open the folder and select the available format:

  • Detail’s enlargements on paper – this product can’t be purchased online. If you are interested in purchasing it, please go to the following page: Ask for a quote.
    Please note that photographic enlargements on paper have an identification stamp, referring to the photogram from which they have been obtained (sheet at scale 1:100.000, capturing year, flight strip-run, photogram's number).
  • TIFF 800 DPI - non photogrammetric
    The entire photogram is scanned
  • TIFF 2400 DPI - non photogrammetric
    The entire photogram is scanned
  • TIFF 2500 DPI - photogrammetric
    The entire photogram is scanned
    The 2500 DPI photogrammetric scanning allows the application of stereoscopic methods (3D) requiring at least two contiguous photograms.

Once you have selected one of the options, the Italian territory coverage related to the year you have chosen will be displayed in the right map. By clicking on the map or clicking and dragging the mouse over it, the available photograms of the selected area will be listed. 
