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Sito in sola consultazione. La vendita online riprenderà il 7 gennaio 2025

Sito in sola consultazione. La vendita online riprenderà il 7 gennaio 2025

Relief Data


Relief referring to:
Series 25V Map (map) and 25 (section) at scale 1:25000
Series 50 Map (sheet) at scale 1:50000
Series 100V Map (sheet) at scale 1:100000

Data refers to contour lines, obtained from IGMI cartography, with elevation spots included.

They have been produced by scanning and/or digitizing archives’ data and reproducing geometry accurately. Elevation data have been added afterwards. Orography data, at different scale, cover the whole National territory. Coastlines (from cartography at 1:100 000) and largest lakes have been added to the different types of contour lines (index, intermediate, supplementary) and elevation spots. Files are stored according to the cartographic elements and coordinates are given in the UTM-ED50 coordinate system within the related time zone. The format used is dwg.

Contours lines are currently produced by photogrammetric restitution of numerical data; by generalization of numerical cartography and by a TIN obtained semi-automatically by stereo-restitution. 

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