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Sito in sola consultazione. La vendita online riprenderà il 7 gennaio 2025

Sito in sola consultazione. La vendita online riprenderà il 7 gennaio 2025

Georeferenced raster cartography

IGMI raster cartography is obtained by scanning the analogical cartography or processing raster files (non georeferenced) at the end of the cartography production process. Raster data are acquired at various dpi (Dot Per Inch) resolution. Images are geometrically corrected (georeferencing operation) using GCP (Ground Control Point). Image’s coordinates are associated with those of the corresponding point on the ground in order to calculate the transformation function during the georeferencing process. Raster cartography is georeferenced within the time zone and the different cartographic systems used in Italy. A new projection is carried out in case of an adjacent time zone. All raster maps are available also in cut out versions to help the mosaicking process. Useful information such as data in TIFF format, 8-bit color and a text file (tfw) with the indication of georeferencing parameters are provided.

Raster cartography characteristics are described below


FORMATUTM (ED50)TM (ETRF2000)Fuso Italia
25 - 25DB Full size 254 DPI 254 DPI
25 - 25DB Cut out 254 DPI 254 DPI
25 DBSN unsupervised generation Details here
25V Full size 254 DPI
25V Cut out 254 DPI
50 e 50L Full size 400 DPI 400 DPI
50 e 50L Cut out 400 DPI 400 DPI
100V Full size 400 DPI 400 DPI
100V Cut out 400 DPI 400 DPI
250/G Full size 254 DPI 254 DPI 254 DPI
250/G Cut out 254 DPI 254 DPI 254 DPI
250 Full size 508 DPI 508 DPI
250 Cut out 508 DPI 508 DPI
500 Full size 254 DPI 254 DPI
500 Cut out 254 DPI 254 DPI
1000 Full size 254 DPI 254 DPI
1000 Cut out 254 DPI 254 DPI



FORMATLambert (ETRS 89)   
Carta d'Italia Full size 400 DPI

Immagine 26x26 per link riguardanti l'acquisto di prodottiBuy it: Geoprodotti

Grigio, 26x26 How to: How to use the geographic search browser
