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Sito in sola consultazione. La vendita online riprenderà il 7 gennaio 2025

Sito in sola consultazione. La vendita online riprenderà il 7 gennaio 2025

SERIES 25/V (M891)

SERIES 25/V(1) (M891)
“Topographic Map of Italy” at scale 1:25.000

Immagine 26x26 per link riguardanti l'acquisto di prodottiBuy it: Geoprodotti

Grigio, 26x26 How to: How to use the geographic search browser e How to buy printed cartography


Topographic map mostly carried out by aerial survey.
Three versions are available in 1, 3, 5 colours (when one version is available, the other two aren’t).


Roads, populated places, technological networks, vegetation, hydrography and relief are indicated. Relief is indicated by contours at 25 m intervals and elevation spots.
International and administrative (Region, Province and Municipality) boundaries are delineated.
Populated places are shown in detail.
Three versions are available:
- 1 colour (black);
- 3 colours (black, brown, blue);
- 5 colours (black, brown, blue, green and red); main roads are shown in red and woods in green.

SCALE 1:25.000

5’ N-S by 7’30’’ E-W
Mean coverage 96 sq. Km

ELEMENTS OF THE SERIES 3545; all available
END OF THE SERIES Production and updating ended in 1990.
TILE Geographic tile, based on Roma 40 Geodetic Reference System. (Some sheets, produced before the introduction of Roma40 System, are based  on Bessel ellipsoid – Genoa oriented) 

International spheroid(2), orientation ROMA-M. Mario (1940).
Sheets produced before the introduction of Roma40 System are based on Bessel ellipsoid – Genoa oriented.


Gauss Boaga (Transverse Mercator) conformal projection,
6° zones, reduction factor 0,9996.
Sheets produced before the Gauss conformal projection are produced using the Sanson-Flamsteed projection.

KILOMETRIC GRID UTM based on ED 50 System (European Geodetic Reference System)(3) .
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(1) V stands for “old tile” compared  to Roma 40 Geodetic Reference System

(2) International spheroid stands for Hayford ellipsoid

(3) Grid is also based on Roma 40 System. 
